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Bagi yang punya waktu untuk menerjemahkan, please do.
Semoga banyak manfaatnya. Aamiin.

Tapi, sebelumnya saya mau bilang bahwa saya tidak bisa melacak latar belakang penulis jadi keabsahan research ini mungkin diragukan. Tapi, banyak poin di tulisan ini yang cukup valid dan bisa diambil pelajaran darinya. Seperti, kebiasaan dan makanan ibu-ibu Yahudi yg sedang hamil (saya kroscek di beberapa situs Yahudi dan memang cocok keterangannya) dan keterangan tentang rokok.

Silakan dipelajari.

WHY ARE JEWS SO SMART? By Dr. Stephen Carr Leon

Since I spent about 3 year in Israel for internship in few hospital there, it came to my mind about doing thesis/research of "Why the Jews are Intelligent?"

It goes without denial that Jews are ahead in all aspect of life such as engineering, music, science and most obvious in business where nearly 70% of world trade/business are held by the Jews such as cosmetic, fashion, food, arms, hotels and film industries (Hollywood and others).

During the 2nd year, in December 1980, and I was about to go back to California, this idea came to me and I was wandering why God gave this gift/ability to them? Is this a coincidence or is it man-made that could be produced like the goods from a factory. My thesis took about 8 years to gather all the information as accurately as possible, like the food intake, culture, religion, initial preparation of pregnancy and etc and I would compare them with other races.

Let’s start with initial preparation of pregnancy. In Israel, the first thing I noticed is that the pregnant mother would always sing and play piano and would always try to solve mathematical problems together with the husband, and I was very surprised to see the mother always carry math books and sometimes I would help her to solve some problems, I would asked, "Is this for your child in the womb?" she would answer "Yes to train the child still in the womb so that it would be a genius later on". She would solve the problem without let-up until the child is born.

Another thing I noticed, is about the food, she loved to eat almonds and dates with milk, for lunch she would take bread and fish without the head, salad mixed with almonds and other nuts, they believed fish is good for the development of brain and the fish’s head is bad for the brain. And also it is like the culture of the Jews for pregnant mothers to take cod liver oil.

When I was invited for dinner, I always noticed that they always like to eat fish (flesh and fillet) and no meat, according to their belief, meat and fish together will not give any benefit to our body. Salad and nuts is a must, especially almonds.

They would always eat fruits first before the main meal. Their belief if you eat the main meal first (like bread or rice) then fruits, this will make us feel sleepy and difficult to understand any lesson you learn in school.

In Israel, smoking is a taboo, if you are their guest, don’t smoke in their house, they would politely ask you to go out for a smoke. According to scientist in university of Israel, nicotine would destroy the main cell in our brain and will affect the genes and DNA, resulting in generation of moron or defective brain. So all those smokers, please take note (Ironically, the biggest producer of cigarettes is… you know who.. make your own guess).

The food intake for the child is always under the guidance of the parent, first, the fruits with almonds, followed by cod liver oil. In my assessment, the Jewish child, most of them knew 3 languages, ie Hebrew, Arabic and English, since childhood they would be train in playing piano and violin, it is a must.

Accordingly, it is believed that this practice will increase the IQ of the child and will make him a genius. And according to Jewish scientist, the vibration of music would stimulate the brain and that is why there are lots of geniuses among the Jews…

Since grade 1 to 6, they would be taught business mathematics and science subjects would be their first preference. For comparison I could see the children in California, their IQ is about 6 years back. And Jewish children were also involved in athletics such as archery, shooting and running, accordingly it is believed that archery and shooting would make the brain more focus on decision and precision.

In high school, students are more inclined to study science, they would create products, indulged in all sorts of projects , although some looks very funny or useless, but all attention is given seriously especially if it is armaments, medicine or engineering, the idea will be introduced in higher institute in polytechnics or universities.

Business faculty will be given more preference, in the last year of university, the students in business would be given a project and practically they can only pass if their group (about 10 in a group) can make profit of USD1 million.

Don’t be surprised, this is the reality and that is why half of the business in the world is held by the Jews, who design the latest Levis, it is being designed in the Israel university by the faculty of business and fashion.

Have you seen them how they prayed, they always shake their heads, accordingly they believed this action will stimulate and provide more oxygen to the brain, same thing with Islam where you need to bow down your head.

Look at the Japanese, they always bow down their heads as their culture, lots of them are smart, they love sushi (fresh fish), is this a coincidence?

In New York, the commercial/trading center for the Jews are based in New York, catering for the Jews only, if they had any beneficial idea, their committee will give free interest loan and will make sure the business prosper. Due to this, Starbucks, dell computer, Coca Cola, DKNY, Oracle, Levis, Dunkin Donut , Hollywood films and hundreds other businesses were under their sponsorship.

Jewish graduates from faculty of medicine in new york were encouraged to register with them and allowed to practice privately with this free interest loan, now I knew why most hospital in new york and California always lack of specialist doctors.

Smoking will lead to generations of moron. During my visit to Singapore in 2005, made me surprised to see smokers are regarded as an outcast and the price of a pack of cigarettes is about USD 7, like in Israel it is a taboo and their form of government is similar to the Israelis. And that is the reason why most of their universities are of high standard, even though Singapore is only as big as Manhattan.

Look at Indonesia, everywhere people are smoking, and price of a pack of cigarette is very cheap only USD0.70 cents. and the results with millions of people, you can count the number of universities, what product they produced that can be proud of, technology.. never… can they speak other than their own language, why it is so difficult for them to master English language for example, all this is due to smoking, think for yourself.

In my thesis, I do not touch in respect of religion or race, why the Jews are so arrogant that they were being chased around since the time of Paraoh until Hitler, for me it is about politic and survival, the bottom line is, could we produce intelligent generations just like the Jews.

The answer could be in the affirmative that needs change in our daily habits of eating, parenting and I guess within 3 generations, it could be achieved. This I could observe in my grandson, for example at the age of 9 he could write a 5-page essay on "Why I love tomato"

May all of us be in peace and succeeded in producing a future generations of genius for the betterment of humankind no matter who you are. 


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